The lynx and I have a number of things in common. We share an ancestor, the noble African Wild Cat and, at a pinch, we could change places. Put more simply, we're both cats to start with. Take a look at that lynx. He's a handsome cat, and his photo clearly shows his striking looks and the four … [Read more...] about The Last Lynx
Animals in Need
Bloodshed by Balloon
I've been a Bird Watcher all my life. I could call myself an ornithologist but I have so many scientific credits to my name that it seems somehow superfluous to list all of them. So, I say merely 'Bird Watcher'. I like to stare at them. It's all I can do really. Watch. I can't get up close and … [Read more...] about Bloodshed by Balloon
Go Really Wild this Xmas
It's the pits, isn't it. All this fuss about spending money on pointless gifts and fancy food you don't need. The best Christmas present ever is from Really Wild Gifts and with the click of a mouse you help animals in need around the world. Aim for a world without animal cruelty. … [Read more...] about Go Really Wild this Xmas
Don’t palm them off
Do you know what Palm oil is? It's oil, you say, from palms, well yes, we both know that. But Palm oil is used in everything from snack foods to soaps. It's found in over half all packaged items on our supermarket shelves. I don't believe you'll find palm oil in my cat food but the … [Read more...] about Don’t palm them off
Help a Cat get a Box
Exactly why cats love boxes so much is a hard subject for scientific explanation and I don't know why anyone would bother. Just face it, we like boxes. Any box, really. Big boxes, small boxes, round boxes, irregularly shaped boxes — it doesn’t matter. They're warm, safe and fun as well. The … [Read more...] about Help a Cat get a Box
Really Wild Gifts save Animals
The best Christmas present ever is a virtual present from Really Wild Gifts and with the click of a mouse you help animals in need around the world. Aim for a world without animal cruelty. … [Read more...] about Really Wild Gifts save Animals