Graeme the trainspotting cat is as famous as a rock star around my way. Every morning the laid-back feline leaves home and saunters down to the platform on my local line to mix with travellers heading off to work. I watch all these people walk past my house in the morning and I watch them all … [Read more...] about Graeme the Trainspotter
La La
La La likes the outdoor life. He's already spent far too much time in the sun (skin cancer on the ears) This is a nasty business for La La and for all white cats. White cats suffer from sunburn especially in the ears, because the fur is thinner in the ears. Sunburn is bad enough but here in … [Read more...] about La La
Shrek the Hermit Sheep
This is the courageous Shrek, hermit sheep of the south. South Island that is, New Zealand, One Springtime the sheep were being pulled in, a sort of gentle rounding-up, for shearing but Shrek decided to decline the invitation. I think they use snapping dogs to get the sheep moving and I don't … [Read more...] about Shrek the Hermit Sheep
It's always a thrill to get fan mail. Once I sort through the advertisements for feline rejuvenation, electoral dysfunction and cheap cathouse loan offers there's usually not much left in my inbox, but I hit gold this morning. … [Read more...] about Chester
Pepi the Golden Oldie
As a hard-hitting investigative journalist I am driven to seek the truth no matter the cost. Who is the legally blind 18-year-old fox terrier-cross-daschund named PepiSmartDog I ran across on twitter? To be truthful, he almost ran me down in his wheeled chariot. Undaunted, I set out to discover … [Read more...] about Pepi the Golden Oldie
Evgeni the Doberman Teaches Tolerance
Tolerance is one thing. Acceptance is another. Toleration is controversial in itself, it places those who happen to be different from me in the basket of aberration. Take dogs, for example. I can't pretend enthusiasm for these creatures but I've always understood that they have their place in … [Read more...] about Evgeni the Doberman Teaches Tolerance