Xmas is over and I can make my wishes for the coming year. What I wish for the world can be summed up in three little words Contentment, Compassion, Caring.
The contentment is primarily for me but, if compassion and caring are exercised, we all end up getting our own little bit. Here’s my first wish – contentment.
It’s no good hoping for wild happiness and soaring joy. If that sort of thing ever happens outside of storybooks, it’s a very temporary state and we would all be better off aiming for contentment. From this blissful state we can put our minds to making the world a better place. A world in which we all live in harmony with each other, harmony with all species and harmony with Nature herself.
Is this too much to ask? Even a cat can dream.

Wish #1 Contentment
Count your blessings
It’s no secret that I’m very happy being alive. I know what it’s like to feel the Grim Reaper stand at my shoulder with his scythe about to do the dirty work. Believe me. I appreciate each new day.
What I want is do is nap gently on my best armchair, waking at hourly intervals for a small and tasty meal hand-prepared by the woman who feeds me. I appreciate her humble servitude and I show this by performing those jobs decreed by Nature. We all have to work and, even if you don’t like your job, you can still undertake your duties in a manner which gives you pride. Pride in yourself is a necessity for a long and fruitful life.
I do my bit. I relentlessly keep down any rodent incursion on the compost bins. I give the kookaburras a laugh by staring at them savagely through slitted eyes. I greet visitors. I keep the woman’s blood pressure down. I share the love around.
Keep your eyes on the heavens but remember that as long as you have a roof over your head, enough to eat and the company of a friend, you have no need of physical baubles. You don’t have to show off a better cat basket than the Siamese next door.
Being content is being grateful for what you have. Count your blessings. Be content. Live longer