It is indeed a sad fact of life that a fine beast such as myself, having a lifelong possession of the most supple physique, should now find myself experiencing minor difficulties in fully extending my left leg. A tragedy no less. I need the full extension manouvre to get at every last bit of … [Read more...] about Old cats need grooming
The world's oldest cat reached his 31st birthday before he kicked the bucket. Spike, a ginger and white tom, was first bought for two and sixpence in London's Brick Lane market in 1970. The Guinness Book of Records confirmed Spike's claim to fame after owner Mo Elkington took him to an … [Read more...] about Spike
The Greying Cat Population
Just as people are living longer than they did in the past, cats are living longer too. There is every reason to expect that the greying cat population will continue to grow. So how old is my cat, compared to me? The commonly held belief that every "cat year" is worth seven "human years" is … [Read more...] about The Greying Cat Population
Demented cats
Wondering if your cat is a little dippy? Scientists already thought cats were susceptible to dementia because previous research had identified thick, gritty plaques on the outside of elderly cats' brain cells which are similar to those found in humans. Recent research has shown Alzheimers in … [Read more...] about Demented cats
Meet Willow from Shropshire, England. She is a healthy 26-year-old domestic cat and said to be the oldest in the UK. Willow is still "sharp in her mind and her eyes", according to owner Lin Brown. The black cat, who now enjoys curling up by the stove, lived off animals she caught herself until … [Read more...] about Willow