]What I wish for can be summed up in three little words Contentment, Compassion, Caring.
My first wish is for Contentment My second wish is for Compassion.
Countless species have become extinct because of habitat destruction and direct killing. Many more are in dire danger like this cheetah family.
All I want is compassion for life on our planet.
It’s hard to imagine that in the 21st century there are still some people who wear fur coats! I have quite a good one myself (with only a few grey hairs) but I have no desire to be stalked, slaughtered and skinned so some .. insert word here … can drape my epidermis carelessly over a shoulder. Would you want to be flayed?
Compassion means compassion for all species, not just your own. Respect for other living creatures is the highest form of intelligence.on the evolutionary ladder.
Acting compassionately helps all beings and our world.
Compassion means Respect for all Creatures
“Animals aren’t third-class citizens; they’re nations of beings who deserve dignity and respect.”
Without becoming maudlin, Bekoff encourages you to not just put more thought into your treatment of animals, but how to follow that thought right through to action.
He clearly points out that animals think and feel. All creatures share the trait of empathy, whether they are human or otherwise.