What I wish for the world can be summed up in three little words Contentment, Compassion, Caring. My first wish is for Contentment My second wish is for Compassion. My third wish is for Caring.
Start at home
People like to get a cat or dog, and they like young ones. Kittens and Puppies. You see a lot of this activity around Christmas and, although it’s beyond me why this is so, it’s a well known phenomenon. It’s also well known that people are plagued with poor memories.
People forget these cute little bundles of fur grow up.
They forget that all creatures have a right to be respected for what they are. And they forget that cats and dogs breed.
I wish that every animal companion owner was responsible. I wish they would have their anipals desexed. (I’ve never looked back since my little nip ‘n’ tuck). What happens to all those thousands of unwanted kittens and puppies otherwise? I shudder to think about it. Every little creature has the right to be wanted. Do your bit and desex your pets!
Caring is to Think Global – Act Local