Do you yearn for the open road? Ever feel an itch to set out into the unknown world and just move on and on to the horizon?
I do.
Let me tell you something in confidence, the next time the-woman-who-feeds-me attempts to spoon out food from a can in my bowl (quelle horreure!) I’m hitting that highway!
I’ll be heading for the Hillbilly Highway, Highway 61, Highway 20 Ride, I don’t care which one, I’ll hit the road, Jack. It will be my way or the highway.
And it can be done! Kitty the Cat, backpacker extraordinaire, is spending the next 3 years hiking from Miami to Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego.
Accompanying her on her journey are her staff people, William and Laetitia, a French couple who fancy a bit of walking to pass the time.
The tireless trio share their adventures on Turn of the World with photos and video.
Although, now that I think about it, perhaps it would be a little irksome padding along for three years, I get tired easily these days. Maybe I can convince the woman to carry me along the road instead? (as long as she can cook my meals four times a day).
What a wonderful adventure. I bet the book will be a great read and I will watch for it!
Hey! I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked on Twitter so my friends can see it too. I simply used On the Road Again as the title in my bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way.