It’s always been a hard life for Greek cats, living from day to day on the handouts from tourists and the occasional snack from a kindly fisherman. A life that wouldn’t suit me.
It’s easy for me to forget that not every cat has the comforts of a warm home, stocked pantry and the constant attention of devoted staff. Soon enough the people of Greece will find it hard to feed themselves – there’ll be precious little to spare for the local moggies.

Many many cats all over Greece are in desperate need and are living a short, dangerous and very stressfull life and now times are tougher. How can we help?
I support Kittys of Kefalos.
A small donation (or better still a larger one) will help Michaela and Kelvin to care for their rescued cats, treat injuries and sterilise the crowds of cats on Kefalos.

You can contact the Kittys here and find out how to donate.